Thursday, September 10, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

It Behooves You to Watch These Movies

Movie night has just expanded into a movie blog dedicated to documenting the nights we have together watching some great flix and having some good times. I guess we have been doing this for about a year now. Everyone gets a shot at picking a movie. Some of the highlights . . .

My favorite surprise was Daddy and Me. Funny, mind blowing, interesting and very unpredictable. I actually need to see it again.

Kristi is the next movie night choice so she will be the first to be blogged about.

A list of this years movies - in no particular order:

1. Brown Bunny (Jimmy)
2. Easy Rider (Leslie)
3. Donnie Darko (Heather)
4. Daddy and Me (Alan)
5. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Trent)
6. Vanishing Point (Michael)
7. Rear Window (Sabrina)
8. Indian Runner (Jimmy)

I think Sherif is due a movie choice too so he can be the month after Kristi.

Did I miss anyone?